Halloween Again

Sorry, folks. No picture-book story this year! But I do have something cute/sweet/sad to tell you about Halloween…

First of all, we did NOT take Emrick trick-or-treating. I guess that sounds pretty lame, but after thinking about it, we just didn’t think there would be much point. He doesn’t know what candy is, and he wouldn’t understand the concept of knocking on people’s doors to ask for it. On top of that, couldn’t you just picture how shockingly cute he would look in a little costume? And how much attention he would have gotten for it? And how much he would HATE that? And even if he didn’t freak out, I can imagine him just taking all of his candy out of his bucket and throwing it on the ground, cuz taking things out of other things and throwing them on the ground is what Emrick is ALL ABOUT.

Nope. Taking him trick-or-treating this year would have been all about me and Marcus and not about Emrick. So we decided against it. Had he been just a little bit older, we might have given it a try. But we’re looking ahead to next year, since by then he may actually be capable of finding the experience fun rather than confusing or annoying.

So Halloween was more or less low-key this year, except for one thing. Every year Marcus’ work has a Halloween party and employees are invited to dress up for the day. This is Marcus’ third Halloween at this place, but it wasn’t until this year that he decided to wear a costume. He wouldn’t have done it except that he got the idea to dress up as one of his co-workers, someone he has a jokey relationship with. Plus, this co-worker, Spencer, always wears black and has black hair and a black beard, so this would be quite the departure in appearance for Marcus. So to prepare, Marcus bought 1.) a used shirt that looks a lot like one of the shirts that Spencer is famous for wearing; 2.) men’s beard dye, the kind that works in five minutes, and 3.) that spray-on hair coloring that the stores sell every Halloween, and that washes right out.

Marcus and Spencer (who is not wearing his famous leafy shirt). Notice how much fuller and manlier Marcus' beard is, and after only a couple days' growth!

Anyway, apparently everyone was pretty amused to see Spencer spoofed in costume because Marcus took home third prize, which was 150 thousand dollars! Marcus was surprised to even get third prize, because there were some pretty elaborate costumes there. But he still accepted the cash, of course.

Meanwhile, I thought it would be fun to do something funny to Emrick’s appearance for Halloween. I had no costume for him, but I did have a baby with a full head of hair and a practically brand new can of hairspray! So I got to work and achieved this:

Heh. Emrick was surprisingly patient while I did this to his hair. He wasn’t thrilled with the getting sprayed with hairspray part (though I protected his eyes and forehead with my hand), but he was very patient while I sandwiched his hair in my hands and pulled upward repeatedly to get the faux-hawk effect. It was pretty fast and easy. A little pulling, a little spraying, a little more pulling, and a LOT more spraying. Afterward, I showed him his reflection in the mirror, and he didn’t have much of a reaction. He just sort of grinned at himself, which is his usual response to his reflection.

However, about an hour later, I was in the play room with him when he reached for his Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes book. As soon as he touched his head, he knew that something was different. When his hands went up to his head, his brow furrowed, and he started moving his fingers around in a grabby way. I can’t know for sure what he was thinking, but I am pretty sure it was something along the lines of , “WTH?” He quickly forgot about it though, and luckily all his grabbing didn’t compromise the structural integrity of his do. Thanks, Herbal Essences Maximum Hold Hairspray! Good times… except… all the hilarity was soon to come to a grinding halt!


When Marcus came home and walked through that mudroom door, the party. was. over. Emrick looked at his father and absolutely did NOT recognize him. His dark beard, his bizarrely black hair… Emrick did not know what to make of it. He just looked confused when this dark stranger approached him, and then seriously worried when he dared to pick him up! Marcus tried. He kissed Pookie, talked to him, sang to him, said, “It’s me, Dada,” but to no avail. Emrick’s chin shook. His lips turned down. He looked to me for reassurance, but seemed deaf to the reassurance I offered! Then he looked back at Marcus, whose big, black head was just inches from Emrick’s face, and the babe lost it. His sweet cheeks turned red, his eyes shut, and tears and screams erupted forth. Poor Pookie! Marcus handed him over to me, and then ran upstairs to shower and shave post-haste!

When Marcus returned, blond and clean-shaven, order was restored to Emrick’s universe, and Halloween proceeded and concluded with little drama.

Emrick can appreciate the crinkly music he can make with a bowl full of wrapped candy, while remaining unaware of its sugary awesomeness.

A Few Cute Things About Pookie, Part 3: Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes Edition

A couple of months ago, my mom bought a book for Pookie called Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes, just like the song. In it, there are illustrations of kids touching each of these parts as they are mentioned, and then all together (along with eyes, ears, mouth, and nose). Anyway, several times over the past couple of months I have sat down with Pookie and tried to do this book with him. When it says head, I touch my head and his head. When it says shoulders, I touch both of my shoulders, and then I touch his shoulders. And so on.

Pookie just didn’t seem to get it. Most of the time he was too distracted by other toys to give me more than a few seconds of his attention, and when he did  pay attention he just grinned at me when I touched his toes, I guess because it tickled! But I just couldn’t get him to touch his own head, or his own shoulders, or anything.

Then one day a couple of weeks ago, that all changed. Yeah, yeah, you think you know what I am going to say. You think I am going to say that one day I decided to make one last attempt at doing this book with him and magically he knew all of his body parts!

Nope. It’s cuter than that.

We were in the play room (do all cute things happen in there now?), playing on the floor, when all of a sudden Pookie reached for a book lying nearby. It was not the Head, Shoulders book, but just one of many that float around the room and that Pookie often opens and flips through, but doesn’t study closely. Anyway, Pookie got a hold of this random book, opened it to a random page, and promptly planted his hands on his head, looking at me to see if I was watching. I was!

I immediately found the actual Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes book, opened it in front of him, and again, his hands went straight to his head as he flashed a big grin. Excitedly, I did the whole routine with him, touching my own head, etc. so Pookie could imitate me.

“Head!” Pookie’s hands go straight to his head.

“Shoulders!” Pookie’s hands don’t move from his head.

“Knees!” Pookie’s arms hang at his sides.

“Toes!” Hands back on the head.

Ah well. Progress, right? I did this with him several more times, and by the next day, he had learned to touch one other body part besides his head: his toes, which he touched when I said, “Knees!”

The next several days contained lots of head-touching, some of it prompted by me, and some of it spontaneous. The sight of any book caused him to touch his head; grocery shopping had the same effect (or was boredom the cause?). Anyway, while Pookie became intimately familiar with his head shape, I focused on just getting him to the next step, shoulders. He seemed to have a hard time with this, and I wondered if touching one’s own shoulders may be too awkward a maneuver for a baby his age. But he finally, he made some progress. His hands would be on his head, and I would say “Shoulders!” and touch my own, and in response, Emrick would move his hands to the back of his neck. Then “shoulders” became his upper chest. Then one day I was pushing him in a shopping cart at Target, and out of nowhere he just put his hands on his head (this is a common occurrence now) and I said, “Shoulders!” and he moved his hands and landed them squarely on his shoulders! What a boy!

So now we’re working on knees, and today he actually touched them, for the first time, I think. By the end of the year, we hope to have him being able to identify not just the eight body parts named in the book, but also his clavicle, his tibia, his cochlea, his cuticles, and his toe jam.

Wish him luck!

A Few Cute Things About Pookie, Part 2: Balloon Edition

For Emrick’s birthday last month, I asked Marcus to pick up a helium birthday balloon when he went to the grocery store the morning of the party. He got a really cute, clear balloon with writing on it, and it was nice and big. You may recall glimpsing it in some of the pics from Pookie’s birthday:

Well, it’s 36 days later, and that balloon is STILL going strong. Sure, it’s filled with lots of wrinkles and dents now (36 days in the life of a helium balloon is like, 85 years in human time), but that old bag still floats to the ceiling, God bless her.

Check it out:

Hmm. Looking back at that picture from Emrick’s birthday, I realize that I’d forgotten the balloon was actually round at one time. I think I had come to wrongly remember that it (she?) had always been sort of flat and m&m-shaped, even when fully inflated. But nope. That balloon was a full, smooth, round ball in its youth.

But I digress.

I moved the balloon into the playroom weeks ago, and for a long time Emrick didn’t pay much attention to it. Once in a while he would seem to notice it when he happened to be looking up for some other reason, but he didn’t show much curiosity about it. But then, one night a few days ago, Marcus and I were playing with Emrick in that room, and Marcus pulled the balloon down from the ceiling, and put the string in Emrick’s hand. Emrick looked back and forth between his hand and the balloon and grinned. What’s funny is that he held his arm in the air while holding the balloon, as if he himself were making it float. Then he let go and watched it rise, all the while still grinning. But even after the balloon landed, he maintained his vertical reach, and whimpered a little when the balloon wouldn’t respond. Marcus retrieved it for him, and the whole sequence played out again. And again. And a few more times.

Cute enough, right? But here’s the cutest part. After Marcus and I got tired of getting Emrick’s balloon for him over and over again, Emrick began to hold other toys up above his head, and then he would let go, expecting, I assume, that the toy would float to the ceiling just like the balloon did. About four times, he grabbed various small blocks, etc. that happened to be within his reach on the floor, and held them high, watching the ceiling expectantly as he released the item, only to have it fall to the floor, sometimes grazing his forehead as it made its way down. And despite the failed blast-off each time, he always looked delighted rather than disappointed…

I died of excessive cuteness intake. If only we’d been able to get it on video.

Anyway, last night I took a pic of Emrick reaching for the balloon, as well as pics of him walking around in his cute monster pj’s. So enjoy!

And finally, a picture of Emrick sleeping in his crib this morning:

A Few Cute Things About Pookie, Part 1: Stair Climbing Edition

The day was October 7, 2011. Emrick and I were in the formal living room.  I had followed him there during his household wanderings because while he likes to be free to explore, he doesn’t like to be left alone. The family room/kitchen area was gated off, as was the dining room, and the rooms in the back hallway were closed. So Emrick had open access to the foyer, the formal living room (which doesn’t have anything breakable in it), and his playroom. Anyway, while in the formal living room, I sat down while Emrick played with the drawers in the desk that’s in that room. A couple of minutes later, Emrick walked out. I didn’t feel the need to get up and follow him right away because all of the danger zones were closed off (or so I thought!!) and I figured he was headed for the playroom.

So I let about 30 seconds go by (AMPLE time for a baby to get in trouble, as it turns out), before standing up to check on him. I entered the foyer to find — HORRORS!! — Pookie was ON THE STAIRS, one step shy from the FIRST LANDING, making a total of SEVEN STEPS climbed! I literally gasped and screamed, “Oh my God!” and I scrambled up the stairs to get my baby! I grabbed him and kissed him and carried him back down.

Now, I know what everyone is thinking. You’re thinking, “Um… Duh?”

After doing some Googling, I discovered that it is not at all surprising for a baby to be able to climb stairs by this age. Many kids even learn to climb them before they can walk. But until Pookie started walking around on the tiled areas of the house, he had never really had access to the stairs before. They are contained entirely in the foyer. They are not near to the main living areas of the house, nor are they THAT close to the playroom, which has doors on it anyway. So Pooks had never had the opportunity before. I mean, a couple of months ago he showed some curiosity about the stairs, but he couldn’t (or wouldn’t) do anything but get on his knees in front of the first step and bang his hands on it. I had no idea that he had magically, with no practice, acquired any step-climbing skills. So when I looked up those stairs and saw his little onesied butt looking down at me, it took a solid decade off my life.

When I got him back to the bottom of the stairs, he immediately tried to start climbing them again. I let him do it this time, while staying right behind him, of course. I didn’t time him, but I would say he got to the very top in well under a minute. What a boy!

But what this meant was that the time to purchase a stairway gate had arrived, and I emailed Marcus to notify him of this emergency shortly after it came upon us. And given that this gate will be there for at least a couple of years (and longer if we have another baby), Marcus wanted a gate that would not just be attractive, but that would go well with the existing stair railing. So what did he do?

Why, he built one, of course!!


Yes that's a purple ribbon holding it closed. A more permanent latch arrangement will be applied shortly.

Pretty nice, huh? I daresay it doesn’t even look like it’s intended to keep small children off the stairs. It looks instead like we are just very fancy, fine folks who like walking through gates and stuff when we’re making our way around the house.


P.S. I know that Emrick’s 13-month birthday came and went a few days ago (and I am sure you all totally noticed and were horrified at the lack of a new post) but now that Emrick is a full year old, we are going to be marking his age every three months now, instead of every month. So stay tuned for Pookie’s First Quarterly Report, on December 16 😉

The Nursery, With Pookie In It

I finally put the finishing touches on the nursery (nearly six and a half months after Emrick moved into it… with most of that time spent NOT working on it) and I like it. It’s not as polished-looking as some of the ones I’ve seen online, but it’s still pretty cute. The last thing I bought for the nursery, and probably the best bargain, is the orange storage ottoman in front of the glider — just $12.80 after a coupon and tax at Big Lots!! And yes… orange! When I was looking for nursery decorating ideas, I found that the colors I was most drawn to were blue, white, green, and brown, in soft shades, which went well together. But as much as I liked those colors, they seemed to be missing any “pop”, so I decided to add a few bright orange accents. I am thinking the changing dresser could still use something…

Freshly diapered and dressed for the day!

So that’s what the nursery looks like, and that’s what Pookie looks like when he wakes up in the morning (except he doesn’t usually have to wait for me to take a bunch of pictures before I get him out of his crib and change him). But as cute as his nursery is, the pictures below illustrate why he is not yet ready for unsupervised play time in it:

We Have a Diagnosis

I just heard from the doctor’s office, and the verdict is in: Pookie suffers from Awesome Baby Syndrome.

In layman’s terms, this means that Emrick’s bloodwork and x-rays came back normal. He has no growth hormone or thyroid problems, and there is “no evidence” at this point that he has hypochondroplasia. He’s just proportioned like a Pookie Bear is all!

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