I wrote this post this nine hours ago:
I am sitting in the family room with my laptop right now while Holly naps upstairs in her crib, and Emrick lies on the chaise in the playroom watching Peppa Pig videos on the tablet. I’ll have to do a whole separate post on Peppa Pig because it’s pretty great and I daresay it has been a good influence on Emrick. But that post will not be today because today, Emrick has a moderate fever, which is why I am letting him lounge in the playroom instead of napping upstairs like Holly — I want to keep an eye on him. Holly had no fever this morning, but by this afternoon she had a very mild one. I really hope this is just a one-day thing and that my babies aren’t getting sick [UPDATE: My babies are sick]. I am taking Emrick’s temperature frequently in case it gets bad enough to warrant a trip to the doctor’s office.
Let’s see… what else is happening today? Well, I was sitting on the sofa here, getting ready to type this post when I started to hear a loud chirping sound. We’ve seen a lot of bird activity lately on the apricot tree outside of the kitchen window, so I wondered if I was hearing birds, but this was so loud that I doubted it. Then I thought maybe the chirping was coming from the ceiling fan above my head. I always have a vague fear of spinning ceiling fans; I can picture them spinning right off of the ceiling and dropping on me. And a ceiling fan that chirps is not exactly reassuring. So I got up and turned it off, but the chirping did not stop! I decided then that the sound must be coming from outside and that maybe it was birds after all. I walked over to the back door to look out onto the deck and see if I could see anything. As soon as I flipped open the plantation shutters, a FLOCK of birds flew off of our deck, frightened by the sudden movement of the flipping shutters. I didn’t open the door, but I searched the deck with my eyes, expecting to find a piece of food — something that would explain why so many birds had congregated there, but instead of food, I saw a little dead bird. 🙁 Actually, I didn’t know for sure if it was dead or just sunned. We had a stunned bird on our deck a few years ago. I even did a post about it here. I hoped that this bird would be as lucky as the bird I blogged about in that post, but we’re going on an hour later now, and it is still there. Its eyes are open, but it’s on its back, so I think our poor birdie is flying in that big blue sky — uh, in the sky. I guess those little chirpers were crying for their sweet friend.
Anyway, on that happy note, here are some random pictures:
I LOVE blogs about nothing!! Hope they get better soon. I see Holly is eating “solid” food now…”.toast” haha. Love them both.