Welcome, Internet Travelers!

Our new site is up and running, but just barely! The framework has just been installed so there will likely be layout changes as time goes on. Bear with us!  Not sure how long it will take since the wedding is coming up shortly (Aug 2nd, yeah!).  We’re hoping that the site can be used to share various things that are going on with us, to keep friends and family up to date. The temporary tag line for the site is “Not the most boring family blog around”, which is really more of an aspiration than a statement of fact 😉

Here’s a sample of our invitations!


    • Jan Price on July 31, 2008 at 8:53 am

    Hey just wanted to tell ya that we are all excited for you. Wish we could be there, but you know how well we all like to travel. We’ll see you next week in Utah. Just want you to know we’ll be thinking of you on your big day! Congratulations!!!!!!! I’m going to love your blog. Thanks for taking the time to share with us.
    With Love, Jan

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