At two years and two months old, Emrick still mostly prefers to play in the presence of me or Marcus — either in direct interaction with us or with us observing him. But his bouts of alone play are slowly increasing in frequency, which means I can usually take a few minutes to tidy the …
Category: Creative Updates
Jun 14
Emrick has a set of flash cards that I bought for him quite a while ago. Only in the last few months, however, have we really been using them with him. But thanks to these flash cards, Emrick can now identify a dog, a clock, a car, and lots of other things by name. Many …
Jun 05
Pookie’s Peek at Plumbing
Remember last year when I mentioned that full bath we were going to add downstairs? Phase One was to move the laundry room upstairs. That has been done for a long time, and now we’re starting Phase Two, which is to turn the old, downstairs laundry room into that full bath. The project is still …
Mar 24
Still Learning
Pookie loves the pantry. Everyday he stands next to it and whimpers loudly and annoyingly, trying to get us to open it for him. He used to do this only when we happened to be in the kitchen, but lately he has developed a new strategy. That strategy is that no matter where I am, …
Feb 24
I have lots of pics that need to be transferred to my computer, and it was my intention to put some of those pics on the blog today. But my camera is being buggy, and I don’t know why. So I will have to wait for Marcus (aka Fixer of All Tech Problems) to come …
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