Category: Babysor

Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

Love, Pookie Bear  

The Emrick Braden Sorensen Quarterly Report: Year 2, Quarter 2

Can you believe that Emrick is 18 months old? That’s a year and a half! In six months, he’ll be two! Actually, it isn’t that hard for me to believe. He is so stubborn and spunky sometimes that lately I find myself thinking, This kid is only 18 months old? rather than This kid is …

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Emrick Shows His Face


A Bang-Up Breakfast, Part Two

A Bang-Up Breakfast, Part One

Emrick got hurt a little more than usual yesterday. He usually bumps his head, or hits his leg on something at least once a day, but yesterday I think he was going for some kind of record, and as a result, yesterday’s mishaps were still evident on his face this morning. First, you’ll notice the …

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Miscellaneous Pictures of Emrick Not Smiling But Looking Cute Anyway

These pics are from about a month ago. The next few pics will show that our office was chaotic and unorganized last month (I say that as if it weren’t still chaotic and unorganized).

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