Shona Sorensen

Author's posts

Guitar Popper

As you no doubt recall from the videos Marcus posted last week, Emrick is fond of singing “Twinkle Twinkle, Little Star” and the alphabet song. Well, on two or three occasions, Marcus has gotten out his guitar and played and sung those songs for Emrick. Emrick has long known what a guitar is (although his …

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Backtracking/Previously Unposted Pics: November 2012

Here are a few things that happened in November. 1. Emrick continued to become a more cooperative participant in his dental hygiene regimen.  2. We got our first significant snow storm of the season. 3. The outlet mall which I mentioned here finally opened for business. We swung by to check it out one evening …

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Alllllllrighty Then!

Ok! I better get a post up here before the ladies rally together and show up at my door with pitchforks! It has been a dreary few weeks. After a long stretch of single-digit temperatures and snowy weather, we are now in a long stretch of “Unhealthy” air quality warnings. A thick blanket of fog, …

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Happy New Year. I guess.

Hello, everyone. I apologize for the lack of any kind of Holiday posts this season (or any posts at all!). I had planned to do a bunch of posts in the days before Christmas, and through the end of the year, but we’re all pretty much getting our butts kicked with illnesses of one variety …

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Backtracking 2

As you may recall from the Halloween post, Emrick didn’t get to eat any of the special orange cupcakes I made on Halloween night. So the next evening, after dinner, he was in for a real treat! Yes. He ate it all up! In other news… Emrick has known the word “outlet” for a long …

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Since I’ve been neglecting to post lately (no particular reason!), I need to do some backtracking to post pictures that I intended to put on the blog long ago and never did. This may take a few posts… Tonight’s entry takes us back about a month and half to the week before Halloween! That was …

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