Marcus Sorensen

Author's posts

Our Sweet Baby Girl

Introducing Holly Belle Sorensen. She weighed 7lb, 5oz at birth and measured 20 inches long. Emrick seemed to be in slight disbelief initially, despite being prepped with a baby doll. He just stood and stared for a bit, not saying anything. Eventually he warmed up and began to acknowledge her. When we ask Emrick to …

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Haven’t we done this before?

This is where photos will be uploaded…. click below to open the album. It’s a girl!  Lots of hair!  7lb, 5oz  20 inches. [picasaView album=’September62013′ username=’112850745045311792311′ authkey=’Gv1sRgCKyUj9CAm6-0GQ’]

For I love You True

I’m logged in under Marcus’ name, but this is Shona writing. We’ve been trying to get more videos of Emrick singing songs so that we can post them on the blog for Grandma Cinda to enjoy. But Emrick is two, which means that he cannot always be compelled to turn on the cute on command. …

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I Want To Ride My Tricycle

Emrick loves riding the tricycle he got for Christmas. It took him a few tries to figure out the pedals, but now he’s a pro. He rips around the track, going from kitchen to foyer and back… Right-click or ctrl-click this link to download.

Emrick Sings Again

Here are a few random videos of Emrick singing a few songs, just to hold people over! He’s still at it with the popper guitar, but he does a few acapella numbers as well 😉 Right-click or ctrl-click this link to download. Right-click or ctrl-click this link to download. Right-click or ctrl-click this link to …

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Baby2 Ultrasound

Today we had the 18 week ultrasound. Everything was tip-top, yada yada, <Shona insert something clever here> . download download download download

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